How to train a Shiba Inu
If you are buying a Shiba Inu as a pet dog, or already you own, want to know, how to train a Shiba Inu, and are facing issues in training your pet, this is the perfect place to guide and help prepare your Shiba Inu. This blog will also assist those working with dogs in any organization or pet training-related activities, so let’s begin with a step-by-step guide on how to train a Shiba Inu.
Shiba Inu training secrets, Get ready before you know, how to train a Shiba Inu
I will call this training guide secret because it has helped many harsh and cruel Shiba Inu become well-trained domestic dogs.

These steps are sometimes tricky or challenging while training, but the results are very positive and satisfying. Also, you must be mentally prepared and follow the steps with patience as sometimes the results appear late. Many dog owners leave the training in between as they want fast results and quick training, which is impossible for Shiba Inu. So be prepared to give your best time and efforts to train your Shiba Inu.
Never expect miracles with Shiba Inu
If you want a well-trained Shiba Inu, then you must know that it will not happen with miracles or instantly. Many videos and articles state that “how to train a Shiba Inu in 10 minutes or three simple steps to train Shiba Inu ” all are not a good start when you train your Shiba Inu. You will create more trouble, and the process will become more problematic for you and Shiba Inu.
So the best option is to search for a detailed training guide that covers all the topics of training Shiba Inu and make a habit of extreme patience and politeness while training your Shiba Inu.
Secure and comfortable
You cannot train or tame any dog or any other pet until they feel fully secured and comfortable with their surroundings and owner.
When it comes to Shiba Inu, you have to keep in mind that the first step to training Shiba Inu is to make him feel very comfortable, relaxed, and secure. You have to take all precautions to find no harm or fear in the surrounding environment or people around him.
Understanding nature.
Two things to keep in mind before Shiba Inus training begins. You have to study the general behavior of your Shiba Inu, other than to find and observe your own Shiba Inus habits and nature. They are leaders hunters and also have a history of being a protector. Also, they like to do things in their way and do not like to obey like other dogs.
So you must remember that Training a Shiba with aggressive methods such as aversive punishment training is rarely successful in the long term and is not recommended. You have to keep your low tone and let him win in certain training stations. They like to obey their masters militarily once they build trust and feel secure with them.
The other thing is observing how your Shiba Inu behaves, respecting his likes and dislikes despite forcing them to do something they don’t like and stopping from things they want. Never overrule them if this makes them feel sad or aggressive. one small mistake in this can already cause many problems, not only for you but also for your dog.
Right time, correct decisions.
Before you step forward, keep in mind the age of your Shiba Inu. Also, check whether the training methods you are applying to train your Shiba Inu are perfect for that age or not. It is better to start training your Shiba Inu from a very young age. Before it images his habits and rules, you try to teach him the way you want. Once the Shiba Inus grows and becomes an adult, then you cannot apply the rules in the same way when it was young.
A positive attitude always, no matter if it does not work.
Positive handling can be just as effective and even more effective than aversive methods. If you feel your positive approach is not working, it may mean that you have not discovered the function of your dog’s behavior; that is, what does the dog get from performing the behavior you dislike. It does not matter if you lose and Shiba Inu wins but remember not to lose your temper or patience.
Different training methods
Never stick to only one training method, Shiba, and always try to explore different training methods as this will keep your Shiba Inu engaged all the time. In the beginning, use entirely rewards-based training and use absolutely no force. Strong-minded breeds, such as the Shiba Inu, may negatively view forceful training methods. Also, if you tug on the lead, attempt to grab them, or force them in any way, you will not get the result you want.
Another helpful method is to provide gentle handling, which means that you make the home feel cozy and relax with your gentle gesture whenever Shiba Inu passes the training. This helps them to be calmer and relax with their owner and surroundings.
Clicker Training
Clicker training is one method you can do to help encourage your Shiba Inu to display positive and wanted behaviors. Anything that triggers a dog to make a particular action. It can be a sound, a hand gesture, or any object related to any kind of activity. This will help you to train your Shiba to take specific actions on clickers whenever you want.
Training made fun with games.
The most effective way to train your Shiba Inu is to play games with him in a certain way which is also a training session. Also, try to play recall games with your Shiba while out and about in an open space. This will quickly train them to have a good recall and come back to you as soon as they are called. This can be hugely useful if you like to let them off the lead on walks, as it keeps them away from dangers and keeps you in control.
A short trip in crowds
Shiba Inu feels uncomfortable with new people, sounds, smells, or objects. To make him train with people, you must take him on short trips to the park’s neighbor’s houses or street walks. This will help them to be helpful to new things, people, and places. Not only this it will also help them to welcome visitors to your house. , you can provide your Shiba with the opportunity to greet and play with them, only after a period of being nicely settled when the visitors first arrive
Food treats
It is fun for Shiba Inu if you are rewarded with food and play food games. This is great fun and helps to develop your relationship and their Shiba Inu training continuously. Food treats on actions is one of the best practices which helps in positive reinforcement.
One by One Rule.
While training your Shiba Inu, you should never try to teach on multiple commandos in one time or one session. Start with one specific command, such as “sit.” Choose an easy word for each command and use the same word consistently to help your dog understand. Most people start with the “sit” command because it is relatively easy to teach and can help get your dog to stop and focus on additional commands. While “sit” works well as a first command, you can pick something else, like come, run, or lay down, if you want to.
No yelling, orders restraint, and aggression
Shibas will fight back if they’re physically punished or restrained, encouraging rough play, aggression, and biting. When your dog misbehaves, stay calm and avoid backing away or showing fear. Don’t engage in a physical competition of any kind with a Shiba. Using positive reinforcement and redirection will build trust and love with your dog, while physical or emotional punishment will make your dog less trusting of you.
Learn from others
If your Shiba Inu is hard to train, they also let him learn from other dogs. Once he observes the actions and commands followed by other dogs and how they feel joyful and comfortable, he will try to copy the same and perform his best to grab all your attention towards him. Also, teach him things by seeing the actions of other dogs also.
Free souls and let it be:
Sometimes you will achieve the goal, and sometimes Shiba Inu will do things on his own as Shiba Inus are free souls and a pet who likes to do things on its own. It is alright if sometimes he doesn’t follow the training rules and commands. That is okay, and let it be.
The one thing that sets this breed apart from all the rest is their fantastic great appearance. Despite their reputation for stubbornness, they can be a loving and well-trained breed that you can develop a tremendous relationship with. Remember, once you have a good relation with you Shiba Inu, then he is the best pet dog around all other dog breeds you have.
Are Shiba Inus really hard to train?
The article is most exciting and important for those who love Shiba Inu or decide to keep one as a pet. This article will help you to understand how you can train your Shiba Inu and whether weather theory is hard to train or not. Also, we will discuss all dos and don’ts about Shiba Inus training in detail. This article will become a perfect guide for you to train your Shiba Inu and cover almost all areas of training activity, So let’s begin.
Shiba Inus, one of the famous Japanese breed dogs, is the friendliest, clumsiest, and clever dog as a pet. It can become the best companion, protector, and family pet. You can play with your Shiba Inu all day and never get tired. But to make this happen, you need to make great efforts in training Shiba Inu from a young age.
The earlier, the better
Shiba Inu are hard to train if they have already passed the young training age, but it is as easy as training other dogs if you start with a small puppy. You will find about how hard it is to train Shiba Inus, or you have also heard that they are not for those who are keeping a pet for the first time. These are all rumors if you are willing to own one and follow the dos and don’ts of training Shiba Inu.
It will not happen on its own:
What I mean is that if you want a Shiba Inu to be a perfect companion and a pet dog as you desire, then for sure, it will not happen on its own. You have to provide lots of effort, dedication, time, heart, and feelings in training sessions. You have to get fully involved with your dog to make him feel calm, secure, safe. Shiba Inu will not engage in activities and playing with his owner until they feel comfortable and harmless. So if you are a good pet owner, a person with patience, and can handle irritation, then Shiba Inu is the dog you can train. For a good pet, you need to be a good master.
Free Spirit:
Shiba Inus are not dogs who like to do things forcefully. They usually love to do things their way. They don’t enjoy rough tones and harsh treatments. This will make them more aggressive and harder to train. They don’t listen to the person who shows a strict nature towards them. So if you try to punish them while training, they will fight back again. This makes them practice being rough with people and biting them.
Never lose trust:
People lose trust in each other very quickly, so how about the dogs? You have to keep in mind that it takes time for Shiba Inu to build confidence in their master. Once they trust you, never lose their trust again by rough treatment or reinforcements. You have to be polite and kind to maintain a good relationship. Initially, which will help you gain Shiba Inus’s trust quickly.
Good Habit vs. Bad Habit
While training your Shiba Inu, you have to be very conscious about teaching between good and bad habits. They are brilliant and understand between good and bad once taught. You should never encourage them on their bad habits and always teach them by making rules. They will quickly understand when about good and bad. For example, if you Shiba Inu bite the curtains or tear the pillows, teach them that these are bad habits and not repeat them. Like not providing them pillows again for some time or just taking the pillow politely from them while they are tearing. Also, you will teach him how to play with a pillow and show him that this is not for tearing. But remember not to shout or scold the Shiba Inu as this may lead them to aggression.
Say no to biting:
Shiba does not only bite when they are angry or frightened. They also bite for fun or when they are in a playing mood. So never encourage them to bite and never take rough actions when they bite. As the breed has a history of hunting and guarding, they use this bite for the attack, anger, and fear for fun.
Whenever your dogs bite or come in the mood for grinding, never engage with him at that time and just leave him alone for a while. Also, divert their mind to something else and try to make them forget what he was biting for. This will teach them that biting is not good behavior, and very gradually, your Shiba Inu will not bite on people or children.
Learn to share food and objects:
Shiba Inu don’t trust easily, so they do have a habit of not sharing and guarding their food and toys. They will not share the food with other dogs or even protect their toys while playing around. You can teach them that sharing food and letting others play with their toys is fine. For this, you have to make him believe that there is nothing wrong with leaving the food. For this, just take a bowl full of food and keep it with you when you provide him with food. And let him take the food from that bowl also. Also, show him how other dogs come and play while their food is aside. If he is playing with toys, play with similar toys with other animals or kids near him. This will teach Shiba Inu that sharing food and toys is a normal thing and nothing to fear. If we use physical force to grab a toy away from our Shiba, he will likely become more possessive over his objects. Also, this will make him lose trust in you and other pets and children around.
Meet and Greet:
This is a very important part of training Shiba Inu. They are not social and get alert and attentive to new people, smells, sounds, things, or surroundings. And this may lead them to take unpredictable actions, rude behaviors, or mood changes. Try to socialize as much as you can. Introduce him to new people, objects, and areas. Taking you Shiba Inu for a walk in the parks, new streets, and places where he can meet different peoples and animals. Remember, this should make a positive and good impression on your dogs. If they experience any danger or negative feelings, they will avoid making aggressive behavior next time.
Take care of likes and dislikes:
Everyone loves if they are rewarded with what they like and hates if they are irritated with their dislike. The same goes with Shiba Inu also. Just like you take care of likes and dislikes for your loved ones, families, and friends, you have to do the same with Shiba Inu to build your trust and relation. If he likes something, try to reward him with those objects, food, or habits, and if he dislikes something, try to avoid those things. This will help you in his training sessions and make him learn new habits. For example, mostly Shiba Inus don’t like patting on heads. If he dislikes patting on his hand, avoid it yourself and ask people around you not to pat on his head. Alternatively, they like patting on his chest and legs. Try giving them pats on the chest as a reward whenever they do something positive.
Become a friend, not a master:
Don’t overrule your Shiba Inu. It’s okay if sometimes they don’t listen or do the opposite. You have to provide training in short sessions in a fun and playful environment. They get bored quickly when too many tasks are applied. They will prefer a friend to train them rather than a master who gives instructions all the time. Always smile, make funny faces, show them love, and try to be clumsy with them. Also, stay calm with Shiba Inu all the time and when he does something wrong. The more you lose your temper, the harder it will become to train your dog. Sometimes being childish with your dog will help him grab your attention. Also, repeat the things he likes to do with you.
Never let him alone for a long time:
Shiba Inus are not the dogs to be left alone for extended periods. Once they bond with their owners, they will always need to pass the time with them. So they will start searching and seeking for you everywhere. If you cannot give time to your dog or are busy on long journeys, then Shiba Inu is not a pet for you. They are very attached to their owner and may become angry or aggressive if they don’t find them around. They will also wait curiously on doors for you to arrive. In short, never leave your Shiba Inu alone for a long time.
No need to take control:
No need to take control of your deg, Shiba Inu lives and behaves on their own. The more you try to control him, the more they find it rebellious and win-and-lose situations. They are pack leaders by their nature and take decisions on their own. They will not like to be controlled by someone. Shiba Inu will always try to find a companion or friend in you rather than a leader or a master.
Observe the mentality:
You need to observe the behavior and mentality of your Shiba Inu. Understanding your dog’s emotional state of mind is essential. This may be a cause of bad behavior or mood swings. If the person or object affects your dog’s emotional state or any past incident experience made him depressed or aggressive, you must politely handle him. Also, give time to forget that experience.
Good diet, good health, good mood:
Providing the best food and a better diet is the secret to your pet’s good mood, health, and growth. Proper nutrition is essential to a developing brain and body. Unfortunately, many owners make mistakes when it comes to food by providing low-quality diets or feeding them unhealthy food. You can also use food as a reward while training sessions.
Safe environment and better sleep
Before anything else, your puppy or adult dog should always feel safe and secure. Even the slightest bit of discomfort or anxiety will hinder training results. Your Shiba should have a comfortable area to sleep, eat, and play in. Also, take care of the sleeping area. No irritating or frightening sounds should disturb your dog while sleeping. This will create tension in the mind of your Shiba Inu which will reflect in his behavior.
The signal means action
The more you train your dog with the different signals it will help him acquire in taking action. Make other signs and signals for further steps. This will help you to handle him in crowded areas and public places. When entering a training session, don’t set unrealistic goals. Start with one command/behavior at a time. If you try to teach your dog two or three new commands at once, there’s a high probability that your dog will get confused, and you will get frustrated.
So this is it, take care of all the above points, and your Shiba Inu will be your best companions. With little patience and training, you can make your pet your best friend. We have another article on Shiba Inu, which you can refer to understand your Shiba Inu better.
Hope we explain greatly how to train a Shiba Inu. And also the answer of “Are Shiba Inus really hard to train?” this question.
The truth about the breed. Great info for Shiba Inu owners. I am a Small Shiba Inu Breeder in Oregon/California. We do a lot of traveling for I am an Expert Speaker on dogs and my husband’s Business keeps us running. Dakine Shiba Inus Oregon and California. All my dogs are family members. Shiba’s do not do well in a Kennel they need their humans.
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